Dashbird Cloud Inventory

Dashbird Inventory service provides users with a list of all of their cloud resources provides a single-pane-of-glass view into logs, metrics, traces, errors and anomalies of each of those resources. Currently, Dashbird supports the following services:

  • AWS Lambda Functions
  • SQS Queues
  • Step Functions
  • DynamoDB Tables
  • Kinesis
  • API Gateway
  • ECS clusters and services

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inventory new

On the inventory service page, on the right, we can see the count of resources by:

  1. Resource type
  2. By region
  3. By delegation (the associated AWS account)

On the left, you have all the resources in the associated AWS account listed and organized by resource type. The resources can be filtered based on service type and you can sort resources on metrics such as highest throughput, slowest response time, most errors, endpoint count, most time-consuming. From the search bar, you can easily search for a specific resource as well.

Click on a resource to analyze the resource closely:

Lambda Inventory

In the example above, we are looking at a Lambda function called insights-service-prod-check. The view contains a metric section (time-series data for invocations, errors, cold starts, duration, memory utilization, and cost), execution list (invocations, cold starts, errors, retries), error list (list of all detected code errors, timeouts and such) and insights and alarms sections.

Other data points are offered, such as the average message payload size, the average delay in reading messages, the TTL (Time to Live) configured for messages, etc.

Each resource will show information and metrics associated with its particularities. DynamoDB Tables, for example, will show Read and Write Capacity Units (RCU and WCU), Throttling occurrences, Global Secondary Indexes, Partition Keys, etc.

The ECS clusters and services views will provide resource consumption (CPU and Memory), as well as the number of services, tasks, servers in the cluster, etc.

API Gateway view shows the history of requests and errors, the average latency and endpoints configured in the API.

Can’t find what you’re looking for? We’d love to help. Send us a message through the chat bubble or email us.

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