Log Search

The log search service in Dashbird has been designed to provide advanced searching capabilities into logs generated by the resources of the delegated AWS account. Dashbird indexes all logs retrieved from the monitored resources and provides a full-text search across multiple resources at once.

The log search service can filter logs based on:

  1. Selected resources (Lambda functions or Resource Groups)
  2. Selected resource groups
  3. Specific keywords
  4. Datetime period

Matching results are highlighted for fast browsing. Each logline is linked to the respective invocation, making it easier to expand all logs from the request, as well as visualize traces from AWS X-Ray, for example.

From the above image, we can see how easy it is to filter logs based on a combination of keywords, specific Lambda function, and date-time period. Filtered logs are ergonomically placed and provide all the relevant details about an event. Each event log can be further explored in detail in the Events service.

serverless log search


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